A logo for bindi enterprises with a red and yellow brush stroke.


Bindi Enterprises is an innovative social enterprise providing supported employment and training opportunities for people with disability. We have been doing this since 1978 and today remain the only such organisation in Central Australia. Your donation will allow us to continue to support people to achieve professional development, as well as independent living skills and financial independence. The benefits to participants include positive social outcomes which occur from having meaningful and innovative community participation.

Bindi has DGR status and all donations over $2 are tax deductible. Bindi Enterprises will provide receipts for donations and keep your information safe and confidential.

Make a Contribution

An orange arrow pointing down in a circle on a white background.
Donate Online

Direct Bank Transfer or Cheque

Direct Bank Transfer

Account Name: Lifestyle Solutions T/A Bindi Enterprises

BSB : 082 748

ACC # : 138 365 969


Please use your name as the Reference.

Post Cheque to:

Bindi Enterprises
PO BOX 1237
Alice Springs NT, 0871

Alternatively, if you are visiting or based in Alice Springs, drop in to our social enterprise to see some of what we do and donate in person. Bindi Enterprises is open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm at 47 Elder St, Alice Springs.

Significant Contributions

Please contact us at bindiadmin@lifestylesolutions.org.au to discuss if you would like to make a substantial and impactful contribution.

We appreciate your support in making a difference.

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